Friday, December 19, 2008

December 2008: Noah's Train

Noah got a train last year for Christmas from his Pappap Capane and I set it up this year under the tree.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

November 2008

I don't have any pictures of Noah from November. Jen and I went on a Med Cruise and ended up staying a couple days in Barcelona, Spain. Noah got to spend almost 3 weeks with his grandparents so the entire month of November is just one big blur. However, I did get to fullfill a childhood dream and visit the Sagrada Familia which was made famous from the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. They have been working on this church for over 100 years and it's still not finished. It was started by my favorite architect, Goudi, and I dragged Jen all over the city looking at his works...she was a real trooper. She was also my official photographer.

Monday, December 15, 2008

October 2008: Did someone shine the Bat Signal?

Noah went trick-or-treating for the first time and everyone loved his costume. Jess, Jen, and I loved his CANDY!! And yes, that is a glow necklace around his neck. Check us out, being all responsible parents and what not...actually it was Jess' idea.

October 2008: The many faces of Noah.

October 2008: Lyman Orchard

After Noah's first hair cut, we went to Lyman Orchard where Noah explored the pumpkin patch and we all traversed through the corn maze.

October 2008: Noah's First Hair Cut

October 2008: Noah in the land of Giants!

Noah was trilled with the life sized stuffed animals.

He got in the pool with the balls and found it very difficult to get out!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

October 2008: Playing with Grandpap

October 2008: Noah meets Alyssa

We went down to DC to meet Alyssa and Noah ended up having a great time on the playground across the street.

September 2008: Random Pics

Noah's first OREOS and he didn't really like them...who's kid is this?

Someone's been hanging out with Lilly too much! He retrieves better than the dog.

Baseball anyone!

First sippy cup!

September 2008: Discoveries

We went to the fair two days after Noah took his first steps. He got to use his red wagon for the first time. He also discovered grass, and that it doesn't taste that great.

September 2008: Noah takes his first steps!

Noah took his first steps on September 12th, and was walking by the 26th!

August 2008: Noah's Actual Birthday

Noah turned ONE YEAR OLD on August 18th, 2008. I can't believe the first year went so fast!
We celebrated his actual birthday 2 weeks after his Washington birthday, and of course all that ice cream cake deserved a birthday bath.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

August 2008: Pictures of Noah

August 2008: Noah Shares His Cake

August 2008: Noah's First Birthday Party

We went home for Noah's early First Birthday Party! He liked opening presents, but wasn't into eating cake...he was more into smearing the cake.

July 2008

We went to Cape Cod with the Capane's and Noah got to go on his first boat ride out to Martha's Vineyard and swim in the ocean. He loved the water and didn't mind the salt! (Why does it look like Jess's has no neck?)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

June 2008: Big Milestones

Noah started standing up on his own and we had a great father's day. We went hiking in Western Mass.

May 2008: Moose Lodge

We went home to Moose Lodge over Memorial Day and Noah got to show off his new skill...crawling! On May 20th Noah crawled for the first time.

Monday, October 6, 2008

April 2008: What's Noah Laughing At?

April 2008: Down in DC again

We went to DC to visit Jon and Megan and learned that Southwest Airlines no longer allows people with babies to board first. Now we have to get in line with everyone else! What's the point in having children if you can't exploit them.

We went to Mt Vernon and Noah learned that he didn't like grass on his bare feet.

Aunt Megan found the perfect tree to change Noah under.

Monday, September 29, 2008

March 2008: In Training

Noah and I started out the spring by getting ready for Mt. Washington. It has been my goal since I got to CT to hike Mt Washington (tallest Mountain on the East Coast). I thought this would be the year, but sadly it's the end of September and it looks like I'll have to wait till next year.

March 2008: Easter Sunday

Grandma, Pappap, and Aunt Jess come up for Easter.

March 2008: Here Come Peter Cottontail

That is a rabbit treat that the lady is holding in her hand. If the Easter Bunny sits still and doesn't drop Noah, he gets a snack.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

March 2008: Remember that scene in Poltergiest...

This was taken back in CT but it leads into a good story. Sarah, Scott, Noah and I went home to PA for a visit at the beginning of March. Noah tossed his cookies the first day we were there and I thought that it was due to giving him regular formula instead of the Gentle formula; however, that night I woke up with the stomach flu. The next day my mom came down with the stomach flu, then Sarah, Betty, Carly, Geoff, and finally Danny. The bug was so strong that Jen got it when Noah and I got home, three days after our symptom went away! Somehow my dad and Scott never got sick. They must have Superman strength immune systems.

March 2008: Beginning of March

March was a big month. Noah started sitting up on his own more, eating solids, and we flew back to PA to meet up with Aunt Sarah. Jen and I went to a WVU UCONN game with Jodi and Jason Geddes. We should have brought Noah along, maybe some luck would have rubbed off on WVU.